Andrea Gallo di Luigi srlu

Setacci molecolari MS 3A Fust. 135 Kg_2,5 -5 mm

Molecular sieve Köstrolith 3AK is synthetic crystalline aluminosilicate with a regular
micropore structure.

Drying of gases and polar liquids (methanol, ethanol)
and easily polymerizing substances, such as
unsaturated hydrocarbons (ethylene, propylene,
acetylene and butadiene)

Regeneration of molecular sieve K ös trolith 3AK may be carried out by increasing the temperature
and/or reducing the pressure or using a suitable purge gas, resp. The regeneration mode to be used,
however, always depends on the particular conditions of the application case. Especially the possibly
limited stability of a certain molecular sieve against thermal and hydrothermal exposure needs be
taken into consideration. In the case of doubt please contact our technical service staff.