Andrea Gallo di Luigi srlu

Via Erzelli 9, 16152 Cornigliano (Ge) Tel. +39.010.650.29.41 - Fax +39.010.650.38.88 P. IVA/c.fiscale IT00270850100

Addensante WALOCEL MW 15000 PFV Conf. 25 Kg _Idrossietil Metilcellulosa

Per realizzare i gel iginizzanti, va usato in combinazione di miscele ETIPA, + TEA, in % va dallo 0.2 a 0.6 a
seconda della viscosità che si vuole ottenere.

59700107WALOCEL™ MW 15000 PFV hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose (HEMC)
is designed for use as a rheology modifier/thickener for ready-to-use construction applications such as
tape joint compounds and tile adhesives. It has a surface treatment that allows for delayed dissolution.
WALOCEL™ MW 15000 PFV imparts well-balanced properties, including workability,
open time, crack resistance and bond strength.